

There are built in controllers, which can serve a request if you extend them, you gain useful functionalities.

BaseController WebSocketController

In WebWombat to serve a request, you have to create controllers, which is called when an appropriate request arrived.

Creating controllers

To create a controller, you have to create a file, which exports a class. The exported class don’t have to have any method with a predetermined name. When a request arrive WebWombat tries to find a route for it and intsantiates the provided controller class with the request and response objects as a parameter. After that it calls the method which’s name is provided for the route, with the request and response objects as a parameter.

Because of the concepts of operation above, you can receive the request and response objects.

Example for passing parameters in the constructor

class MainController{
    constructor(request, response){
        this.request = request;
        this.response = response;

module.exports = MainController;

Example for passing parameters in the controller method

class MainController{
    serve(request, response){

module.exports = MainController;